Monday, March 30, 2015

She's scared she's below "The Society's Standard of Beauty"

The world around her seems to be without worries except her tiny little niche. I know it's all in her head but it feels so real and is making her depressed.

Based on how far she's come and things she has experienced, she is supposed to be happy and grateful for coming out unscathed but no, something's not right.
Something's missing. 
What she doesn't know is that it will always feel like something is not in place.

Too bad she is slowly giving in to social pressure and questioning almost everything.
She walks past a pretty girl in school and asks why can' t I be as beautiful?
She sees a cute guy and asks "Why can't I be his girlfriend?"
Is she not good enough???
She asks, "Why did I have to be me?" when she walks past a mirror.

Her self esteem is being threatened and she is yearning towards throwing in the towel.
I'm sad that she is sad.

She's been told " You don't have the face for it", "If only your hips were wider" "Your upper lips is a bit too big" "So, this is how tiny your legs are" and my personal favorite,"Your breast is bigger than your body".  
Too bad these words have faces attached to them cause they are from people who matter in her life. She was torn and somehow found a way to remold and better. Or that's what she thought until now.

She was and still is to a great length ashamed of her image but God bless her soul and shield her from the agony of self loathe.

Be strong, little one. You are not alone. 

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